Below are our articles on the subject of Symptoms. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Are Gluten Allergies Life Threatening?
Unfortunately some effects of gluten allergies are life threatening...

Are You Born With Gluten Intolerance?
While many people are born with gluten allergies others can develop it later in life....

Can Gluten Allergies Be Developed Later in Life?
While they are hereditary in some cases gluten allergies can also develop later in life...

Celiac or Crohn's: What is the Difference?
Coeliac Disease and Crohn's Disease have similar symptoms but very different treatment plans and correct diagnosis is vital to successful management of either condition....

Gluten Intolerance and Associated Conditions
Coelic disease is associated with other health conditions that can be managed better when diagnosis of gluten intolerance is made....

Quiz: is Your Child Gluten Intolerant?
There are many reasons a child may react badly to food - exploring their responses can help you decide when it's time to consult a doctor....

What are the Minor Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance?
Gluten allergies have many symptoms but some are less serious than others....

What are the Severe Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance?
Gluten allergies have severe symptoms and minor symptoms - the severe symptoms can be extremely serious...

What Effects Can a Gluten Allergy Have?
The effects of a gluten allergy vary from person to person...